Second Sunday of Lent (A) Mar 8, 2020

  1. We pray that as Christians we may listen more attentively and with greater urgency than ever before to the words of Jesus; that we may be more aware of his presence with us, both in our worship and in our daily ministry, and that we may have the courage to live out his truth with joy.

  2. We pray for those who do not know the Lord or dismiss him as irrelevant to their lives; we pray for those who influence and encourage others in what is evil, destructive or depraved, and ask that the Lord give protection to all who are vulnerable and in danger.

  3. We pray for all who are adjusting to new relationships in the family, new homes or new work and leisure patterns; we pray for stronger root growth in the Lord, so that we are not thrown by the changes and troubles of everyday life, knowing the reality of his faithfulness.

  4. We pray for all who are too exhausted or overwhelmed by circumstances and pressures to be able to pray; may the Lord surround all those who are troubled and heavily laden with the revitalising assurance of your presence, his understanding and his love.

  5. We pray that those who have gone through death may know the brightness of everlasting life; may we, with them, come to experience the glory and joy of heaven.

Published on: 07-03-2020

First Sunday of Lent (A) Mar 1, 2020

  1. As the Church begins this season of Lent may the Lord remind us of what is important and what is not; of where we are wandering away and what we need to change; so that by Easter we will be renewed and strengthened for service in the world.

  2. The world’s misery and pain and desperate need of healing are clear to see and affect us all. We pray now for this damaged world with all its weakness, longings and failings, with all its potential and hope.

  3. Whenever a child is born we celebrate the creative hope of God. We pray for all being born this week and for their families and communities, that all our children may be loved and cared for, safe and happy.

  4. We pray for all who suffer through others’ sin; all victims of abuse or oppression or apathy; all whose adult lives are distorted and misshapen by early damaging experiences which need God’s healing love.

  5. We remember those who, freed from the aging and pain of their bodies, can live now with the Lord in the peace and joy of heaven.

Published on: 28-02-2020

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Feb 23, 2020

  1. We pray for stronger faith and the courage to live up to our calling; for the grace to act always with generosity of spirit, until the whole Church models the wisdom which the world counts as foolishness.

  2. We pray for all the unresolved conflicts in our world. We ask the Lord to give us his desire for peace, his spirit of discernment, his understanding of unspoken needs, and his capacity for forgiveness.

  3. We pray for the homes and families we represent, and for all with whom we live and work. May we recognise the opportunities for generous, loving service and put aside any destructive possessiveness or self-interest.

  4. We pray for peace of mind and spirit in all those who are distressed or enveloped in pain. May they know the reality of inner healing, and may even the worst situations becomes places of growth and new life.

  5. We pray for those approaching death with fear, resentment and anger, and for all who counsel the dying and the bereaved. We pray that those who have died will know the joy of everlasting life.

Published on: 21-02-2020

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Feb 16, 2020

  1. Whenever our attention has wondered from his calling, whenever we have fallen short of his will for us, and failed to keep the spirit of his law of love, we pray that the Father may forgive us and transform us, so that we walk again the path that leads to life.

  2. Wherever the Church is asked to give leadership on sensitive issues; whenever the current world expectations of behaviour need to be challenged in the light of God’s love, we pray for the wisdom and guidance we need.

  3. Whenever our homes are lacking in love and mutual respect, whenever destructive relationships cause distress and heartache, and whenever people are made to feel they don’t matter, may the Lord give new realisation of his ways and his hopes for us so that his kingdom may come and his will be done.

  4. Whenever there is illness, unhappiness, injustice or fear; whenever people feel frustrated, imprisoned or trapped; may the Lord give us a greater sense of loving community, a heart to put right whatever we can and the willingness to stand alongside one another in our sorrows.

  5. Whenever earthly lives have come to an end, and people are grieving the loss of their loved ones, may the Father fill these places with the eternal peace of his presence; and prepare us all through our lives on this earth for everlasting life with him in heaven.

Published on: 15-02-2020

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Feb 9, 2020

  1. We pray that there may be a revival of longing for the kingdom to come, and a renewed commitment to working for it; for a desire to live out our faith and worship in our daily lives this week.

  2. We pray that all who have authority and power in our nation and our world may use it for good, upholding and instigating what is right and fair, and listening to the needs of those they represent. May we recognise our responsibility to support and stand up for God’s values.

  3. We pray that within our homes and communities there may be a new awareness of one another’s gifts and needs, more sensitivity and respect in our relationships; may we reverence one another as fellow beings, born of the Father’s creative love.

  4. We pray for all who are oppressed, downtrodden or despised; we pray for those who will not eat today and all who live in the degrading circumstances of poverty and powerlessness; we pray for a heart to put injustices right and strive for a fair sharing of resources.

  5. We pray for those whose life expectancy is short, for the babies and children who have died while we have been praying; for all who have come to the end of their earthly life and made that last journey through death; may the father welcome them in his mercy with the fullness of eternal life.

Published on: 08-02-2020

The Presentation of the Lord Feast Feb 2, 2020

  1. We remember those who teach the faith throughout the Church and throughout the world. May the Lord keep them close to his guiding, and open the hearts of those they teach to hear and receive his truth.

  2. We remember those in positions of authority and influence in this country and in all societies, that needs may be noticed and addressed, good values upheld and all people respected.

  3. We remember those who looked after us when we were very young, and those who have no one to love and care for them. We remember all young families and all the children in our parish, that they may be introduced to the one true God and live their lives in his company.

  4. We remember the elderly faithful and especially those who are housebound and can no longer join us to worship in person. We give thanks for their example and pray for an increase of our love for one another across the age groups.

  5. We remember those who have finished their lives on earth and commit them to the Father’s everlasting care and protection. We ask him to keep us faithful to the end of our life.

Published on: 01-02-2020

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Jan 26, 2020

  1. We pray that the light of God will shine in the Church throughout the world, to set us free from prejudice, small-mindedness and hypocrisy. As members of the Body of Christ may we move freely through the power of God wherever we are called to go, available and active in God’s service.

  2. We pray that our world may be lit by this light in the darkness to bring freedom and hope wherever there is oppression, recognition and respect where there is none, and in all conflicts positive ways forward.

  3. We pray that in our homes, our workplaces and our neighbourhoods the light of godly loving may soften harsh edges, encourage mutual caring, and heal dysfunctional or damaging relationships.

  4. We pray that all those whose lives are fettered by the past, by rejection, guilt, pain or anxiety, may be set free and encouraged to live to the full.

  5. We pray for those who have died, and those who miss them and are finding it very hard to cope with their loss. We pray for all those who have no one to help them through that last journey.

Published on: 25-01-2020

Second Sunday in Ordinary time (A) Jan 19, 2020

  1. We pray that the Lord may make himself known to the people who come into our churches, or who pass by and sometimes wonder, but have not yet come in; may we be better bearers of his life to those who need him but have never met him.

  2. As the world lurches from crisis to crisis, and there is much misleading and misdirecting, we pray that the Lord may help us recover the natural sense of what is right and just, honest and good, so that our hearts are inclined to hear the voice of his leading and respond to it.

  3. We pray that the Lord will help us to take more seriously our responsibility of helping one another forward into faith, as brothers and sisters; we pray for those in our own families whom we would love to bring to know Lord, and for those who have drifted away.

  4. There are some who are going through very distressing, painful and worrying times. We stand alongside them now, and ask the Lord to give them his comfort, reassurance, healing and peace of mind.

  5. Even as we pray now, there are those journeying through death. We pray for them, for all who have recently died, and for all those left without their loved ones, grieving, or numbed with shock.

Published on: 18-01-2020

Baptism of the Lord Feast Jan 12, 2020

  1. We pray to the God of love for all those who are newly baptised, or who have recently found that the Lord is real; we pray for all in ordained and lay ministries, and for those sensing a special calling.

  2. We pray to the God of power for those who are in authority and in positions of influence and responsibility; may they be earthed in humility, courageous in integrity, and mindful of the need to serve.

  3. We call to mind those with whom we share the work and leisure of our life; we pray to the God of mercy for those we treasure and those we battle with, and ask him to breathe into all our relationships the forgiving love which cleanses and heals.

  4. We remember those who are aching today in body, mind or spirit; knowing that nothing is unredeemable, we pray to the God of wholeness that he will bring good even out of these barren places.

  5. We pray to the God of life for those whose earthly lives have ended; we remember those who have died violently and tragically, suddenly and unprepared. We give thanks for lives well lived and for happy memories. May they rest in the eternal peace of heaven.

Published on: 11-01-2020

Epiphany Solemnity Jan 5, 2020

  1. We pray that the worldwide Church may always be ready to travel in the way of the Lord and in his direction.

  2. We pray for the nations as they lives through conflicts and struggle with identity. We long for all peoples to acknowledge the true and living God.

  3. We pray for the families and the streets we represent, asking for a spirit of generous love, understanding and mutual respect.

  4. We pray for all who are finding their way tedious, lonely or frightening at the moment; for those who have lost their way and do not know what to do for the best.

  5. We pray for those who have come to the end of their earthly journey, and for those who have died unprepared.

Published on: 04-01-2020