Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time (A) Feb 9, 2020

  1. We pray that there may be a revival of longing for the kingdom to come, and a renewed commitment to working for it; for a desire to live out our faith and worship in our daily lives this week.

  2. We pray that all who have authority and power in our nation and our world may use it for good, upholding and instigating what is right and fair, and listening to the needs of those they represent. May we recognise our responsibility to support and stand up for God’s values.

  3. We pray that within our homes and communities there may be a new awareness of one another’s gifts and needs, more sensitivity and respect in our relationships; may we reverence one another as fellow beings, born of the Father’s creative love.

  4. We pray for all who are oppressed, downtrodden or despised; we pray for those who will not eat today and all who live in the degrading circumstances of poverty and powerlessness; we pray for a heart to put injustices right and strive for a fair sharing of resources.

  5. We pray for those whose life expectancy is short, for the babies and children who have died while we have been praying; for all who have come to the end of their earthly life and made that last journey through death; may the father welcome them in his mercy with the fullness of eternal life.

Published on: 08-02-2020