Fourth Sunday of Easter – April 25th, 2021

  1. We pray for all who shepherd others as bishops and pastors, and for all in their care; for Christians threatened and under attack; and all whose ministry feels demanding. For a greater affection and care, one for another, in the Church.

  2. We pray for all in positions of leadership and influence in our world, that they may use that power for good; for an increase in our concern for one another’s well-being, across all barriers, and for all who are working to build community.

  3. We pray for those who are wandering lost and aimless, with no idea that any Good Shepherd exists; for those who die unaware that they are precious and valued by the God who loved them into being.

  4. We pray for those whose capacity for trust and love has been damaged by other people’s sin. We long for the healing and forgiving power of the Spirit, so that who are imprisoned by their past may walk freely with the Lord.

  5. We pray for those who have died to this earthly life, that the Good Shepherd, who understands what it is to die, may bring them safely home.

Published on: 24-04-2021

Third Sunday of Easter – April 18th, 2021

  1. We pray that God may be glorified in our worship, and our openness to the Spirit of life, in the Church’s longing and outreach, in the priests, the people, in all seekers and honest doubters.

  2. We pray that God may be glorified in the welfare programmes and peace-making missions, in the struggle to uphold justice, in the aid given to the hungry and homeless.

  3. We pray that God may be glorified in the loving and costly commitment of mothers and fathers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons, in the determination to forgive and forgive, in all the lives shared and cherished.

  4. We pray that God may be glorified in the work of the nursing, comforting and healing, in the daily patient struggle with pain and weakness, and in the practical good-humoured caring.

  5. We pray that God may be glorified in the twilight years and the facing of death, in lives well lived and now breaking into eternity.

Published on: 17-04-2021

Second Sunday of Easter – April 11th, 2021

  1. We pray for God’s blessing on every group of Christians worshipping today all over the world; and we pray for all who doubt the truth. We pray that our hearts may be set ablaze with love, and that we may walk as children of light.

  2. We pray for all the areas of the world which are torn apart by hatred and violence, famine, disease, or religious differences; we pray for an end to war and a deeper commitment to peace.

  3. We pray for those who face family rejection if they become Christians, and for all families divided by beliefs or persecuted for their faith. We pray for the children of our church that they may grow up strong in the faith with good role models to guide them.

  4. We pray for those who wake up to the prospect of another day filled with pain; for those who long for someone to spend time with them, enjoying their company; and we pray for sight that notices needs.

  5. We pray for those who mourn, and we pray for those they love and miss, commending all who have died to the everlasting arms of the God of love, in whom there is life in all its fullness.

Published on: 10-04-2021

Easter Sunday – April 4th, 2021

  1. That the Church of God may be bursting with new life, filled with the love that takes even death in its stride; that the new and mature Christians together, all in their various ministries, may work in God’s strength for the coming kingdom.

  2. That the inhabitants of our planet may recognise God’s glory all around, co-operate in the sharing of his gifts, and cultivate the habit of caring love.

  3. That God will bless our homes and families, our places of work and leisure, with new life and the hope of new possibilities touching the ordinary with beauty and joy.

  4. That all who feel trapped or imprisoned – physically, mentally or spiritually – may feel the stones rolled away and new light pouring into their lives.

  5. That those who have died to this earthly life may find the fullness of God’s eternity, flooded with the light of his love.

Published on: 03-04-2021 (Last modified: 31-03-2021)

Passion Sunday – March 28th, 2021

  1. We pray that as a Church we may love God and one another, and go on loving, through insult and praise, through acceptance and rejection, in the sure knowledge that the Lord is our God.

  2. May the kingdoms of this world soak up the values of God’s kingdom; may their leaders and their peoples uphold what is right and just, and establish a social order which is rooted in Godly love.

  3. In all the heartaches and joys of human relationships, may we be governed by selfless love, faithful and forgiving without limit.

  4. May all who suffer come to know the comforting presence and healing power of God’s forgiving love.

  5. We pray for all who are making that last journey of death, that they may be surrounded with God’s peace and rest in his love for ever.

Published on: 27-03-2021

Fifth Sunday in Lent – March 21st, 2021

  1. We pray for all Church leaders, teachers and pastors, and all who are being called into particular ministries, both lay and ordained. We pray especially for any who are wrestling with the demands of such a calling, that they may be given courage to offer themselves in the Lord’s service.

  2. We pray for the nations of the world, that in all their plans and actions, conflicts and disasters; the Lord may guard the children, guide the leaders and give us all his peace.

  3. We pray for those who are weighed down with suffering, or imprisoned by their fears. May their burdens be eased and may they be given the strength to bear what cannot be avoided.

  4. We pray that those whose earthly lives have ended may have mercy and everlasting peace.

Published on: 20-03-2021

Fourth Sunday in Lent – march 14th, 2021

  1. We pray for all who lead worship and teach the faith to others; that hearts may be open to receive the message of spiritual health and life.

  2. We pray for all world leaders, both in their public office and in their private lives. We pray for a collective desire for peace and the courage to uphold right values.

  3. We pray for those we live and work with, that none may be taken for granted or live in a climate of condemnation; but that we may all encourage one another in love.

  4. We pray for all condemned to death or long prison sentences; for those with long-term and debilitating illness; for all who have been damaged.

  5. We pray for those who have died and those who miss their physical presence; May they see the fullness of eternal life.

Published on: 13-03-2021

Third Sunday of Lent – Mar 7th, 2021

  1. We pray for the Church, the Body of Christ, with all its collected gifts and weaknesses; may we receive the grace to recognise that in the Spirit we are one, and curb in us all tendency to division.

  2. We pray for the world in all its beauty and richness; may we have the desire and the generosity of spirit to share our planet’s food and resources, to care for its people’s well-being, and to foster peace and justice for all.

  3. We pray for those we love – those we see each day and those we miss; may we cherish one another as we live the loving way of your commands.

  4. We pray for all victims of selfish or violent acts, and for those whose lives are trapped in sin. We pray for all whose bodies and minds have difficulty functioning. May we be more sensitive to their needs.

  5. We pray for those who have died and for those who miss their physical presence. May the Lord have mercy on them; may they, and we in our turn, rest in the peace of God’s enfolding love.

Published on: 05-03-2021

Second Sunday of Lent – February 28th, 2021

  1. That in focusing our lives and our worship on God we may increasingly reflect his love and brightness so that others are drawn to worship him.

  2. That the world’s leaders may be committed to alleviating unnecessary suffering and working co-operatively for the good of all who inhabit this planet.

  3. That every word we speak and every meeting we arrange may further the building of God’s kingdom.

  4. That all who suffer, whether physically, spiritually, mentally or emotionally, may know the comfort, healing and transforming of God’s love.

  5. That those who have died to this earthly life may share in the glory of heaven.

Published on: 27-02-2021

First Sunday of Lent – February 21st, 2021

  1. As we come before God with all our muddled priorities and conflicting agendas, we pray that we may be made whole as the Body of Christ; that we may have the strength to renounce evil, and the courage to announce the kingdom of peace.

  2. With the world’s clamour ringing in our ears, with comfort zones beckoning us, but the pain of injustice refusing to be shut out, we pray for the world’s healing, and for an end to all lying and deceit.

  3. We come with the demands of home, family, work and expectations warring in us for space and attention. We pray on behalf of those too busy or too exhausted to pray; that our daily lives may be washed in peace, ordered in holiness and lit up with joy.

  4. We come with the needs and sorrows, pain and suffering of our brothers and sisters all over the world, who are aching – physically, emotionally or spiritually; we pray that they may be touched by God’s comforting and healing love.

  5. In this Lenten season, we come to realign our lives in the context of eternity, and to commend to God’s love our own loved ones who have passed through earthly death to the life which has no ending.

Published on: 20-02-2021