Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time – Oct 3rd 2021

  1. We pray that the Church may be alive to God’s beckoning, quick to obey his will and always ready to act in his loving service for the good of the world. We pray.

  2. We pray that all leaders and heads of state may take wise advice and act responsibly for the well-being of all. We pray.

  3. We pray for all marriages, for those seeking marriage partners and those whose marriages are under strain. We pray for all in close relationships, that there may be mutual love and respect. We pray.

  4. We pray for all who are suffering through illness, accident or deliberate cruelty; for refugees and all who are abused; that through the caring of human hands they may experience the caring hands of God. We pray.

  5. We pray for all who have died violently or suddenly, or with no one to miss them. May all who have died in faith be judged with mercy and welcomed into eternal life. We pray.

Published on: 02-10-2021