Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. When either the traditional or the progressive blinds us to the truth of the Father’s will, may he clear our vision and speak through our prejudices until we are once again open to his changing. We pray.

  2. We recognise how powerful the influences are in our world which distract many and lead away from the truth. We pray for the quiet whisper of wisdom to be noticed and acknowledged in many lives; we pray for widespread discipline of the heart, a new openness to generosity of spirit. We pray.

  3. May our homes and daily schedules be part of the territory of the kingdom, where it is God’s will which guides and his love which rules. We pray.

  4. Our hearts rail against the cruelty and unfairness of suffering and disease, and we kneel now alongside all in pain and weep with them, crying out to the Lord for comfort and the healing of his love. We pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions… we pray.

Published on: 14-10-2023