Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For our Pope, bishops, priests and religious and all faithful, that we may persevere with steadfast faith and be united together in the Holy Spirit, through the Gospel and the Eucharist, we pray to the Lord.

  2. For the Church in this year of the Synod, that the Holy Spirit will open her up to greater participation, communion and mission, we pray to the Lord.

  3. For all world leaders; May the Lord pour out upon them the spirit of wisdom, that they decide everything for the welfare of the people. We pray to the Lord.

  4. For our country, that we may live in peace and harmony and that we may work for the welfare of the weaker of all sections of society, we pray to the Lord.

  5. Let us pause in silicene now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 19-08-2023