The Nativity of the Lord Solemnity

  1. May the bells and lights and presents and decorations in church and in homes express our thanks to the Lord, for coming into the world in person. May he bless us and always keep us close to him. We pray.

  2. The world Jesus was born into was the world we know, a world of dangers and risks. In gratitude for his sharing our human weakness, may his coming be a source of strength to those in need. We pray.

  3. Many of us will be celebrating with our families and friends, and some will be at a distance from us. May the Lord be with us all and teach us true love. We pray.

  4. We pray for those who find Christmas a sad and lonely season; we pray for those for whom it brings to the surface memories, anxieties or dangers. Through good and difficult times we ask that the Lord be with us always. We pray.

  5. We pray for those whose loved ones have died, and all those who have finished with earthly celebrations. May they celebrate with all the angels in the joy of heaven. We pray.

Published on: 24-12-2022