Sixth Sunday of Easter – May 9th, 2021

  1. Wherever there is friction and conflict in the Church, and in communities that are divided and weakened; may we have a greater longing for God’s healing and a deeper commitment to his forgiving love.

  2. Wherever tangled political situations seem impossible to solve, wherever conflicting interests threaten peace; wherever the ears of the powerful remain insulated against the cries of the oppressed, may we have ears to hear the Holy Spirit’s guidance.

  3. Wherever families are dysfunctional or children are in danger; wherever the daily living conditions are damaging to health and self-respect; may God’s kingdom come.

  4. Wherever the ill and injured need comfort and assistance; wherever the elderly and housebound sit each day for hours alone; may we bring love and help to them.

  5. Wherever people are travelling that final journey towards death, may they be surrounded by God’s love and welcomed into heaven, and may those who mourn be comforted.

Published on: 08-05-2021