Second Sunday of Easter – 7 Apr 2024

  1. For the pope, bishops, clergy and religious, as leaders in the Church, they may put into practice the words of Jesus, “ Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy”, we pray.

  2. For those who doubt about matters concerning faith, that their doubts may not lead to laxity or abandonment of faith but through prayer and reflection they may return to an even-deeper faith, we pray.

  3. For the poor and the marginal income families, that the believing community may come to their assistance as the early Christians did, we pray.

  4. That the peace which the risen Christ offers us may dwell in our hearts, homes, parishes, and the world at large, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions…we pray.

Published on: 06-04-2024