Parish Feast Day

  1. Let us pray for the Pope, Bishops, clergy and all our priests and religious sisters, especially the priests and sisters serving in our Parish. We pray.

  2. We pray for peace and unity throughout the world, within our parish community and our families. We pray.

  3. We give thanks for our parish. We give thanks for all who have prayed and ministered here, and ask that the Lord will keep us attentive to his voice, worshipping him in spirit and in truth. We pray.

  4. Help us to understand your gospel, to learn Christ’s ways and share his life. May we be renewed in our sense of mission and service, following the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and our model. We pray.

  5. In a time of silence, filled with God’s peace, we bring our personal prayers and petitions, in the assurance of God’s love.

Published on: 17-06-2023