Holy Martyrs and Blessed of China

  1. For the Church, may all the saints in heaven be an example for all Christian, that they may serve God in the way he wishes. We pray.

  2. That our world leaders and those in authority may follow the example of saints who worked for peace and love. Guide the leaders that justice may prevail throughout the world. We pray.

  3. For those in need and those who care for them, that they may see in the saints who suffered the love of Christ for them. We pray.

  4. For those who have died in the hope of new life, may Christ bring them to share his glory with all the saints in heaven. We pray.

  5. In thanksgiving for the Holy Martyrs and Blessed of China and all the saints in heaven, and for the love and mercy they have shown to the world. We pray.

Published on: 08-07-2023