First Sunday of Lent

  1. For the Church, the bride of Christ. May she, with all her shepherds and the people of God, experience the power of God to overcome every storm, every temptation and every struggle, we pray.

  2. For those engaged in the work of evangelization. May they experience the power of the Spirit to continue their mission despite persecution and hardships, we pray.

  3. For the poor and needy all over the world, and those who are denied basic human needs. May they find their refuge in the Lord who knows and provides for our everyday needs, we pray.

  4. For young people all over the world. May they experience the power of God to overcome temptations and be conquerors in today’s materialistic and consumerist world, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence and pray for our personal intentions…we pray.

Published on: 17-02-2024