The Most Holy Trinity

  1. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
    On Sunday, June 11 is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. There will be an Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church on that day from 2:00 to 4:00pm. All are welcome to join. The prayers will be in Chinese.

  2. Fund Raising for the Youth
    Fr. Joseph Gao will be leading a group of youth in our parish to join this year’s World Youth Day in Lisbon to be held in August. They will be having a fund raising sales to sponsor their trip. We invite everyone to support this fund raising generously.

  3. Parish Feast Day
    Our Parish Feast Day is on June 18. On that day, we have invited vicar general Fr. Paul Kam to celebrate a bilingual Thanksgiving Mass in our parish at 4:00pm. A children’s confirmation will also be held at the same mass. At 7:00pm in the evening there will be a dinner celebration at Capital Restaurant in Fortune Plaza, Tai Po Center. Ticket cost for the dinner is HK$350 per person, same price for all ages. All are welcome to join. You may purchase the dinner tickets at the parish office.

  4. Help Desk
    A reminder that the Help Desk is available every Sunday at 10:00am to 1:00pm to assist any OFWs on BM Online Account registrations, OEC applications, as well as giving advice on work-related issues. You are welcome to approach them at their desk outside the Tea Room.

Published on: 03-06-2023