Twenty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sept 5th 2021

  1. In gratitude for the richness and diversity of each unique identity, we pray for the separate members of this Body of Christ, and our corporate nature, that we may be filled at every level with the living breath of God. We pray.

  2. In gratitude for the beauty and variety of our landscapes and cultures, all over the world; for the stars capes and the wideness of space, we pray that we may cherish and respect this universe we inhabit, and respect all those who look or sound different from ourselves. We pray.

  3. In gratitude for the hope each new born child brings; for the gentle gifts of laughter and friendship, thoughtfulness and sympathy, we pray that our eyes may see all others with God’s affection. We pray.

  4. In gratitude for the patient endurance of so many who suffer so much, we pray that they may come to know Christ’s wholeness and refreshing, his upholding and healing. We pray.

  5. In gratitude for the promise of mercy triumphing over judgement, we commend to God’s love for ever our own loved ones who have died. We pray.

Published on: 04-09-2021

Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 29th 2021

  1. Aware of our temptation to place our trust in rules and traditions, we pray for a release in the Church of such desire to serve the living God that nothing is allowed to get in the way of that.

  2. We recognise in ourselves the universal dangerous wants and cravings which are cultivated because they make money. May we have such a loathing of evil that there will be international co-operation and individual responsibility in fighting it and building one another up in love.

  3. May our homes, schools and churches reflect and engender the Godly values of mutual care, respect and responsibility, of integrity and forgiveness.

  4. We stand alongside all who are hurting in body, mind or spirit; all who need courage, support or practical help. May we be willing to become part of God’s answer to our prayers for them.

  5. We commit to the Father’s keeping those who have died, that they may live in the peace and joy of heaven.

Published on: 28-08-2021

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 22nd 2021

  1. We pray for those who build up our faith and all who strive to proclaim the Gospel in language that people understand.

  2. We pray for our torn and fragmented world, wrestling to equate the deep yearning for peace with the instinctive urge for gratification and power; that many may have the courage to walk God’s way.

  3. We pray for our loved ones; for those who lift our hearts and those who turn our hair grey. We pray for those we instinctively warn to and those with whom there are frequent misunderstandings.

  4. We pray for all who are marginalised, scorned or rejected; for those isolated through illness or imprisonment; for those who feel that no one understands. May the Lord surround them all with such love that they may know they are precious.

  5. We pray for those who have died, that they may come to know the full joy of heaven.

Published on: 21-08-2021

The Solemnity of The Assumption of the

  1. We pray for each member of the Church of God, both lay and ordained, in their ministry to encourage one another as loving servants to the needs of the world.

  2. We pray for those who lead and govern, for responsible stewardship and wise decision-making.

  3. We pray for all mothers, that they may find in Mary the example and strength to carry out their vocation.

  4. We pray for those who are in pain, sorrow or distress, that they may draw strength, consolation, and healing by turning to Mary, who intercedes for us from her place in heaven.

  5. We pray for all who mourn for departed loved ones to take courage from this Feast and find renewed hope in the promised resurrection.

Published on: 14-08-2021

The Solemnity of The Assumption of the

  1. We pray for each member of the Church of God, both lay and ordained, in their ministry to encourage one another as loving servants to the needs of the world.

  2. We pray for those who lead and govern, for responsible stewardship and wise decision-making.

  3. We pray for all mothers, that they may find in Mary the example and strength to carry out their vocation.

  4. We pray for those who are in pain, sorrow or distress, that they may draw strength, consolation, and healing by turning to Mary, who intercedes for us from her place in heaven.

  5. We pray for all who mourn for departed loved ones to take courage from this Feast and find renewed hope in the promised resurrection.

Published on: 14-08-2021

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 8th 2021

  1. We pray for all who are commissioned and called to work in the Church. We pray for greater discernment of the Lord’s presence and his will in our Christian communities, and a clearing away of all that obscures our vision.

  2. We pray against the cynicism and complacency that deaden wonder. In the ordinary things of life may we detect love and wisdom; may we encounter Christ, walking alongside us.

  3. We pray for breadwinners and all food growers; for the Spirit’s presence in kitchens, dining rooms, canteens, restaurants and bars; wherever people gather to eat together.

  4. We pray for those whose emotional damage makes trusting and receiving seem threatening and dangerous. We pray for peace of mind for the anxious, and hope for all who are close to despair.

  5. We pray for those who have died, that in God’s mercy they may be brought to the eternal joy of heaven.

Published on: 07-08-2021

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – August 1st 2021

  1. As the travelling people of God, we pray for a deepening hunger for the things of God and a loosening of our grip on all the wants and expectations which prevent us from moving forward God’s way.

  2. As brothers and sisters with the whole of creation, we pray for respect and reverence among people regardless of wealth or status.

  3. As we prepare and eat our food each day, we pray for those who grow and manufacture it, distribute and sell it, shop for it and cook it, and for those with whom we share food. May we all be built up with the spiritual feeding which sustains us for ever.

  4. As we ask for daily bread, we pray for those who are physically starving, for all who hunger emotionally, for those who mistrust God’s feeding.

  5. As we remember those who have died, we pray that, nourished by the Bread of Life, they may travel on eagles’ wings into the brightness of eternal life.

Published on: 31-07-2021

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 25th 2021

  1. We pray for the Church with all its varied ministries; for the youngest to the oldest baptised members; for those of mellow faith and those who struggle with doubts.

  2. We pray for the strength of a new commitment within ourselves to pray the news each day and share the pain we read about, longing for peace and justice in a world tense with aggression and distorted with selfishness.

  3. We pray that the Lord may work in, and transform, our homes and our relationships. In all our meetings and conflicts and all differences of opinion may we work to the glory of God.

  4. We pray for all who suffer or are heavily burdened; we pray for their comfort and refreshment, wholeness and restoration, but above all for the conscious of Christ’s presence in their pain, and his love for them.

  5. We pray for the faithful souls entering by the gate of physical death that they may have eternal life.

Published on: 24-07-2021

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 18th 2021

  1. Recognising the brokenness and disunity of Christ’s Church, we pray that he may draw us closer to one another as we draw closer to him.
  2. With the noise of global conflicts and human deprivation thundering in our ears, we pray that the Lord may shepherd our humanness and lead us in the secret places of the heart.
  3. With the statistics of families life challenging our values, and with the pressures to conform to the norms in conflict with God’s will, we pray for a sound and centred wisdom in all our daily living and life choices.
  4. With stressed and overburdened, the overworked and the unemployed, we pray for balanced lives; for physical, mental and spiritual health; for patience in times of trouble, and direction in times of confusion. 
  5. As we remember with love and gratitude the lives of those who have died in faith, we commend them to eternal rest in the Lord and his unchanging affection.

Published on: 17-07-2021

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 11th 2021

  1. We pray that our lives may be upright and holy; that our church communities may shine with goodness and love, humility and truth.
  2. We pray that many may be empowered to recognise evil and fight against it; to discern warning signs and speak them out; to notice the sparks of love and goodness and celebrate them.
  3. We pray that our homes, our places of work and leisure, may be arenas of praise and thankfulness, not only in the comfort zones but particularly through the disturbed and difficult times.
  4. We pray for those in prison; for those leading cruel and violent lives; for all victims of oppression or abuse; for all who suffer mental anguish or physical pain.
  5. We pray for those who have died, that they, and we in our turn, may be given merciful judgement through Jesus our Saviour, and brought into the unquenchable light of heaven.

Published on: 10-07-2021