Special Rainstorm Notice

(Updated May 4, 2024) Parishioners are reminded to keep in view of the Black Rain signal. If Black Rain signal is NOT in force 2 hours before the mass, the mass will be held as scheduled. Please refer to the related Pastoral guidelines for Typhoon & Rainstorms.


(Updated May 4, 2024) Parishioners are reminded to keep in view of the Black Rain signal. If Black Rain signal is NOT in force 2 hours before the mass, the mass will be held as scheduled. Please refer to the related Pastoral guidelines for Typhoon & Rainstorms.

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Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time – July 31st, 2022

  1. We pray for all those who give to support the work of the Church; May the Lord bless our giving, guide our spending, and help us to value the true wealth of his abundant love.

  2. We pray for the world’s economy; for fair management and distribution of resources; for fair trade and just wages; for greater awareness and concern about injustice; for a commitment to our responsibilities as planet-sharers and earth-dwellers.

  3. We pray for all parents with young children; may they be blessed and guided in their parenting; we pray for families in debt; for those whose homes have been repossessed, and those whose financial security makes them forgetful of God’s love.

  4. We pray for those who are burdened with financial worries and all who struggle to make ends meet, all over the world; we pray for the emotionally and spiritually bankrupt, and those who do not yet know God’s love for them.

  5. We pray for those who have died, and those on that last journey at this moment; for a merciful judgement and the everlasting joy of heaven.

Published on: 30-07-2022