Trinity Sunday June 7th, 2020

  1. We bring before the Lord the needs of the Church, in its weakness and its potential; that he may revive and refresh us, teach and direct us, inspire all who preach, teach and gossip the good news, and uphold all who suffer for their faith in any way.
  1. We bring before the Lord the particular problems of our age and our culture; that he may renew in us a commitment to community and mutual trust, and give a sense of value to all who despise others and themselves. May he protect the vulnerable and sensitise the hearts of all who have become anaesthetised by images of violence.
  1. We bring before the Lord the nurturing of our children and young people, in homes and parenting, schools and teaching, in expectations, pressures and dangers, in the hopes and possibilities for good.
  1. We bring before the Lord the hungry and malnourished, the greedy and complacent; those who are ill and those who care for them; the unhappy and those who comfort them; all who are undergoing surgery or painful treatment, and all who have no one to turn to.
  1. We bring before the Lord those who have died in faith and will now see him face to face; those for whom death speaks of fear or annihilation, and those who are unprepared.

Published on: 06-06-2020