Third Sunday of Lent (A) Mar 15, 2020

  1. Whenever the Church is dry and parched may the water of the Spirit well up to refresh and renew, to bring life and strong new growth. May the Lord make us more aware of our thirst for him, so that we come to him ready and eager to receive his living water.

  2. From the conflicting needs and agendas of the world we cry for mercy, for a deeper understanding of one another and a greater desire for co-operation and peace. We pray for sensitivity in handling delicate negotiations and the wisdom which respects and listens.

  3. We pray that in all our relationships we may be effective channels of the Lord’s love and forgiveness. May he make us awash with living water so that our homes and places of work, our shipping and leisure centres, our conversations and actions, are always in touch with his renewing power.

  4. We stand alongside all those who are suffering, whether in body, mind or spirit, and long for healing and comfort, for strength for perseverance and for patience in the dark times; we long for the living Spirit to envelop and sustain them.

  5. We pray for those who have come to the end of earthly life. May they, placing their faith in the God of life, share in the light and joy of heaven for ever.

Published on: 13-03-2020