Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ Solemnity – June 19th, 2022

  1. As we celebrate Christ’s sacramental presence among us, we rejoice that we can feed on him and be nourished with his life. We pray that the people of God in every part of the world may grow in holiness and love.

  2. We pray for those who know deep spiritual hunger and for the spiritually complacent; for a world where loneliness and fear distrust Christ’s promise of hope; for the kingdom of God to come.

  3. We pray through our feeding the communities we live and work in may be blessed and nourished; that our homes may be places of prayer, and that we may have the courage to be vulnerable.

  4. We pray for all who receive Communion in hospital or in their own homes; that they may find strength and healing through encountering Christ’s love.

  5. We pray for those whose earthly lives have come to an end, that in God’s eternity they may find lasting peace and joy.

Published on: 18-06-2022