First Sunday of Advent (B) November 29th, 2020

  1. We come to the Lord just as we are and ask that his kingdom may come to be within us and in this place. We pray for an increase in faith that we may become the lights in darkness that we are called to be.

  2. The signs in our world of hate, distrust and greed are shown to us clearly every day. May our eyes see the signs of hope and victory; the opportunities for loving service, for encouragement, reassurance and thanksgiving.

  3. May the parenting and befriending in all our relationships be blessed, and may our love for one another be increased. We pray for the humility to accept guidance and warnings, lovingly given, and the courage to uphold one another in the faith.

  4. In love, we bring to our prayers those who are weary with ongoing pain and weakness, those who are frail with age and all who are vulnerable; May the Lord pour his living strength into their lives and protect them from all that is harmful.

  5. We pray for all who have come to the end of their earthly life, and for those whose lives feel empty without them. May the Lord give comfort to the bereaved, and everlasting peace to all who rest in his love.

Published on: 28-11-2020