Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For the Pope, bishops, priests and religious; that they may allow God’s Word to guide, challenge and prune their plans and undertakings so that God’s Word may flourish, we pray.

  2. For Catechists, ministers of the award and all who teach and preach God’s Word; that they may be diligent in their study and meditation of God’s Word and faithfully share the boundless riches of the Word of God, we pray.

  3. For all Christians; that they may work to prepare their hearts as the fertile soil for God’s Word to be planted and yield a rich harvest, we pray.

  4. For those who have never heard God’s Word; that through our outreach and the manner of our lives, we may be bearers of the Word for them, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 15-07-2023

Holy Martyrs and Blessed of China

  1. For the Church, may all the saints in heaven be an example for all Christian, that they may serve God in the way he wishes. We pray.

  2. That our world leaders and those in authority may follow the example of saints who worked for peace and love. Guide the leaders that justice may prevail throughout the world. We pray.

  3. For those in need and those who care for them, that they may see in the saints who suffered the love of Christ for them. We pray.

  4. For those who have died in the hope of new life, may Christ bring them to share his glory with all the saints in heaven. We pray.

  5. In thanksgiving for the Holy Martyrs and Blessed of China and all the saints in heaven, and for the love and mercy they have shown to the world. We pray.

Published on: 08-07-2023

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. That we may respond to God wholeheartedly without counting the cost and follow His example of generous self-giving, we pray.

  2. That we may be ever grateful, accountable and generous, making good stewardship our way of life, we pray.

  3. That we may understand, and have the courage to accept the challenges and opportunities to advance the Church’s mission, we pray.

  4. That all of us present at this liturgical celebration today may experience spiritual and physical protection, the joy of the Holy Spirit and the grace to ever remain God’s faithful children, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 01-07-2023

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For our Church leaders that they may be guided by the Holy Spirit in their preaching the Good News of salvation and in bringing hope to others, we pray.

  2. For people who live in fear and anxiety. May the reassurance of God’s love and support bring them courage and peace, we pray.

  3. For those who are sick, lonely and depressed. May they be strengthened by God’s love and aided by their family, friends and well-wishers, we pray.

  4. For all of us gathered here, that we may live in the confident assurance of God’s abiding presence and providential care for us, we pray.

  5. Let us pray in silence now for our personal intentions.

Published on: 24-06-2023

Parish Feast Day

  1. Let us pray for the Pope, Bishops, clergy and all our priests and religious sisters, especially the priests and sisters serving in our Parish. We pray.

  2. We pray for peace and unity throughout the world, within our parish community and our families. We pray.

  3. We give thanks for our parish. We give thanks for all who have prayed and ministered here, and ask that the Lord will keep us attentive to his voice, worshipping him in spirit and in truth. We pray.

  4. Help us to understand your gospel, to learn Christ’s ways and share his life. May we be renewed in our sense of mission and service, following the example of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother and our model. We pray.

  5. In a time of silence, filled with God’s peace, we bring our personal prayers and petitions, in the assurance of God’s love.

Published on: 17-06-2023

The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ

  1. For the pope, bishops,priests and religious that they may find in the Eucharist the source of their strength and zeal, to lead to salvation the people entrusted to their care, we pray.

  2. For those Christians who are deprived of the gift of the Eucharist because of their sinful life, that they may hasten to repent and thus become worthy to receive the body and blood of Christ, we pray.

  3. For our parish community, that we may always be aware of how strongly the Eucharist binds us to mutual love and union, we pray.

  4. For all of us present in this Eucharistic assembly that each time we receive Holy Communion, we may wholeheartedly renew our determination to build our Church, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 10-06-2023

The Most Holy Trinity

  1. For the Pope, bishops, clergy and religious that as leaders in the church they may live an exemplary life and become agents of unity and peace in the church and in the world, we pray.

  2. For all those who are involved in the faith-formation of children and youth that they become strong in their Catholic faith and instil it in others with true conviction, we pray.

  3. That families all over the world may derive inspiration from the love and unity that exist in the Trinity and strive to live in a relationship based on mutual respect and love, we pray.

  4. For the members of this Eucharistic assembly that this celebration may enable us to become more aware of our limitations and rely ourselves more on the power that comes from Triune God. We pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 03-06-2023

Pentecost Sunday

  1. For the Pope and all the leaders of the Church, that they may be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit in their mission of leading, guiding and proclaiming, we pray.

  2. For the whole Church, that in this year of the Synod, we may open ourselves to the Holy Spirit and the fresh air of Communion, Participation and Mission may usher in and be renewed in the Spirit, we pray.

  3. For justice and peace, for an end to racism and all kinds of discrimination. May we build a Church and the world of unity and hope for all people. We pray.

  4. For all of us participating in the sacred liturgy, that we may experience fresh anointing of the Holy Spirit and live in the hope and expectation of heavenly banquet, we pray.

  5. Let us pray in silence now for our personal intentions.

Published on: 27-05-2023

Ascension Of The Lord

  1. For our Holy Father, the Pope, bishops, priests, religious and all who are dedicated to the mission of announcing the Good News: Help them Lord, to be your authentic witness in the world, we pray.

  2. For all who feel abandoned, unloved and in despair: May they be sustained by the Lord’s presence in their life especially in moments of suffering and pain, we pray.

  3. For all the missionaries who are harassed and persecuted in their endeavour to announce Your Word in the remote corners of the earth: May they be strengthened by the presence and power of your Son, we pray.

  4. For all of us present in this Eucharist assembly that through our faith and worship and above all through our daily life we may bear witness to Jesus present and active in our midst, we pray.

  5. Let us pray in silence now for our personal intentions.

Published on: 20-05-2023

Sixth Sunday of Easter

  1. For the Church and all her leaders, that the ministries will be blessed by God and the power of the Spirit may be expressed by them with courage, love and compassion, we pray.

  2. For our government and business leaders that God may inspire them to develop policies to protect the health and well-being of the human family, particularly the poor and needy, as they promote the renewal of the nation, we pray.

  3. For the renewal of God’s Spirit in our hearts, so that the gift of the Spirit may build up the Body of Christ and thus God’s Kingdom may be established on the earth, we pray.

  4. For peace and harmony in the world. Loving God, you sent your only begotten Son so that we may experience love and compassion where there is conflict and discord, we pray.

  5. Let us pray in silence now for our personal intentions.

Published on: 13-05-2023