First Sunday Of Advent (B)

  1. That our Holy Father, bishops, priests and religious may be living icons of God’s soothing presence in this troubled world and that they help their flock to grow in greater awareness of God’s unconditional love for them, we pray.

  2. For those who are faithfully striving to cultivate a deeper awareness of God’s presence by way of verbal prayer, mental prayer and the prayer of the heart, that they may be rewarded with love, joy and peace, flowing from the Holy Trinity, we pray.

  3. For those who are groping in the darkness of ignorance, depression, rejection, violence and lethargy, that they may be given courage and strength to overcome all opposition and discouragement. We pray.

  4. For all of us, during this season of Advent, we may seriously reflect on the second coming of Jesus and constantly prepare ourselves to receive him with joy when he comes, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions….we pray.

Published on: 02-12-2023

Christ the King

  1. That we may submit ourselves to the authority of our Holy Father, our bishops and priests as they lead us to the Good Shepherd Jesus through their teaching and their works of mercy, we pray.

  2. That those who are in authority in our families, in our society, in the Church and in our country be faithful to their calling and help establish the kingdom of God in this world, we pray.

  3. That the charitable institutions, organisations, and religious congregations may be encouraged and appreciated to serve Jesus in the poor and the needy, we pray.

  4. That we may be able to recognise Jesus’ hidden presence in those who are suffering due to hunger, thirst, homelessness, sickness, persecution and imprisonment and that we may serve them with our whole heart, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 25-11-2023

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For the Holy Father, all the bishops, clergy and religious that the special vocation they have received along with the power and authority invested in them may be fruitfully and effectively used as faithful stewards for God’s glory, we pray.

  2. For Christians all over the world that they may rise up from their indifference and be vigilant and active in fulfilling their God-given responsibilities just as St Paul exhorts the Thessalonians to stay alert, sober and work hard, we pray.

  3. For the world leaders that they may recognise the precious resources God has generously given to each nation and be productive and fruitful in administering them to reach the benefits to every person in need, we pray.

  4. For our children and youth whose participation is vital for the growth of the Church That they may recognise the God-given talents in them and put them to the best use for the good of society and the Church, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 18-11-2023

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For all the leaders and faithful in the Church, that we may keep our eyes fixed on the Lord and welcome his presence with lighted lams in the synodal spirit of participation, communion and mission. We pray.

  2. For all nations and communities, that they may work for peace and mutual understanding rejecting all mistrust, violence and terrorism, we pray.

  3. For parents, catechists and educators that they may help those in their care to grow in their faith and discover what is truly important in life, we pray.

  4. For all of us taking part in this sacred liturgy, that nourished by the Eucharistic Lord we may remain vigilant, awake and alert in waiting for our final meeting with the Lord, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions.

Published on: 11-11-2023

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For the pope, bishops and clergy, that through a holy life and through the genuine teaching of the Word of God and administration of the sacraments they may build up the community of the faithful, We pray.

  2. That the leaders of all religions may work for unity and harmony in the world by educating the people under their care with godly values of love, peace, tolerance, justice and mercy. We pray.

  3. That the faithful all over the world may rekindle their devotion to the Eucharist, and through an active participation in it, encounter the Lord of love, mercy and forgiveness, we pray.

  4. That the Divine Healer may, with his consoling presence, touch and heal all those who are suffering from grave and incurable sickness in our families and our society, we pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence and pray for our own personal intentions now…we pray.

Published on: 04-11-2023

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For all the leaders of the church that they may imbibe the true spirit of love, and manifest it through their life, we pray.

  2. For all Christians that they grasp the essence of Christianity and live it to the full following the examples and teachings of Jesus, we pray.

  3. That those who are deprived of love and those who have difficult relationships may experience more deeply the selfless love of God and derive strength to love others, we pray.

  4. For those who oppress the weak and the poor. May the Lord touch them and free them from being selfish and enable them to work for the benefits of all. We pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for personal intentions…we pray.

Published on: 28-10-2023

Mission Sunday

  1. For our Holy Father, Pope Francis, leader of the Church and for all missionaries who give their lives to tell the glory of the Lord among the nations, that they may be loving, wise and holy witnesses of Christ, our Savior. We pray.

  2. For the leaders of nations, that they may be committed to justice for all peoples and dedicated to building a world of peace. We pray.

  3. For those who are ill or who live in spiritual loneliness, that they may unite their sufferings with the crucified Christ for the redemption of the world. We pray.

  4. For an increase in our own missionary spirit, may the message and love of our Lord be made known to the ends of the earth. We pray.

  5. We pray for the poor and neglected, the victims of the natural disasters, may they feel the love and compassion of people around them, and may we, on our part, learn to be in solidarity with them in their suffering and pain. We pray.

  6. Let us pray for the success of all Mission Day activities, specially in our parish and deanery, may these activities deepen in us our sense of mission and commitment to the vision of Jesus for a new heaven and a new earth. We pray.

  7. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions… we pray.

Published on: 21-10-2023

Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. When either the traditional or the progressive blinds us to the truth of the Father’s will, may he clear our vision and speak through our prejudices until we are once again open to his changing. We pray.

  2. We recognise how powerful the influences are in our world which distract many and lead away from the truth. We pray for the quiet whisper of wisdom to be noticed and acknowledged in many lives; we pray for widespread discipline of the heart, a new openness to generosity of spirit. We pray.

  3. May our homes and daily schedules be part of the territory of the kingdom, where it is God’s will which guides and his love which rules. We pray.

  4. Our hearts rail against the cruelty and unfairness of suffering and disease, and we kneel now alongside all in pain and weep with them, crying out to the Lord for comfort and the healing of his love. We pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions… we pray.

Published on: 14-10-2023

Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For our Pope, bishops, priests, deacons and religious that they may always remind themselves that they are the stewards consecrated and sent by the Father to produce fruits for the kingdom of God. We pray.

  2. For all those who reject the ownership of God that they may realise that the universe and everything in it belongs to its Creator and to Him alone. We pray.

  3. For a synodal church that all of us may generously and resolutely contribute toward establishing communion among all of God’s children, participate in the mission of Christ and ever commit ourselves to spread the message of Christ to all nations. We pray.

  4. For all the leaders of our country, that they may always commit themselves to render justice, equality and harmony among all citizens by way of having equal opportunities and possibilities besides contributing generously towards nation building. We pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions….we pray.

Published on: 07-10-2023

Twenty Six Sunday in Ordinary Time

  1. For the pope, bishops, priests and religious that in the exercise of their pastoral ministry they may be faithful and obedient to the divine will, we pray.

  2. For leaders of nations that they may seek the guidance of the Lord to enable them to better serve their people with integrity and justice, we pray.

  3. For all who are sick, homeless or homebound, that they may find hope and courage in Christ and discover the redemptive value of their suffering. We pray.

  4. For all of us present in this assembly that through this celebration we all may grow in our desire to love and to be obedient to God who has called us. We pray.

  5. Let us pause in silence now and pray for our personal intentions…we pray.

Published on: 30-09-2023